Chimpanzee Trekking Rules and Regulations

Chimpanzee Trekking Rules and Regulations plus Guidelines

Chimpanzee Trekking Rules and Regulations and set guidelines put in place to be followed by visitors and aimed at protecting chimpanzees against health and physical dangers. These chimp trekking rules are set by the park authorities in a bid to protect, the closest relative of man against human actions and behaviors. These rules are in place to safeguard human beings as well plus enhancing life safety. The chimpanzee rules are for advising visitors about Chimpanzee trekking or Chimpanzee Habituation Experience while in the natural chimp habitats. These trekking guidelines are aimed at protecting these primates as well as visitors physically and health wise.  Chimpanzees that are trekked by tourists are first habituated for about 2 years or more to make them get used to human presence. That is why, during the trekking adventure, the chimps do not scamper because they are already adapted to man. But the same man needs rules and regulations to guide his behaviors while with the chimps. In general, its a balance on both the side of chimps and humans to co-relate or coexist in the jungle without affecting each other.

Chimpanzee Trekking Rules and Regulations to follow while on Chimp Safaris in Uganda.

  • The minimum age for chimpanzee trekking or chimp habituation experience is 15 years and above as set by the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA). The age limit for trekking chimpanzees in Kalinzu Central Forest under the National Forestry Authority (NFA) is 12 years old.
  • Tourists should keep at least 7 -8 meters from the chimpanzees.
  • Trackers should strictly adhere to the rules as given by the ranger at the time of briefing and during the trekking exercise.
  • Provocation is prohibited to our chimpanzees since they are also entitled to freedom.
  • Smoking in the presence of the primates is strong banned.
  • Trekkers who are sick from cold, flu, diarrhea or any other disease are not permitted to track chimpanzees.
  • Taking picture with a camera flash on is not accepted since flashes scare away the chimpanzees.
  • Park Guides or rangers are the only one authorized to lead visitors through the forest paths or trail-heads.
  • Trekkers in need of easing themselves should do so off the trail and after then bury the waste 30 cm deep with tissue applied.
  • While in the forest, keep voices at low tune to be able to see more chimpanzees intermingling with each other.
  • Tourists should conform to the limited number of 8 persons in a group allowed to track at a time.
  • Keep in the group once bump into these apes in their natural habitats and you are advised to avoid making noise as much as possible.
  • Do not drink in front of the chimpanzees.
  • Chimp trekking may last between 2 to 8 hours depending on their previous location. So understand the likely duration in the forest.
  • Always comply with the guide’s instructions.
  • Chimp visitors are allowed 1 hour to observe to be with these primates in the wilderness.

Kindly note that Chimpanzee trekking experience is best done in the morning hours when these primate individuals are coming out of their nests to start the day by searching for food. Chimp tracking in evening hours is also interestingly rewarding as it is nice to see them gathering up items for making new nests for the following night. In Uganda, there are over 5000 chimpanzees in various chimp trekking spots across the country.

Chimpanzee tracking is an enchanted experience one should not miss while in Uganda or Rwanda. The trekking visit offers you with the best unforgettable life happenstance with your close relatives in their natural habits. This chimp watching escapade gives you a chance to see other wildlife types including plants, animals, birds and insects among the many. Where chimpanzees live, there are probabilities of finding their other primates including the black and white colobus monkeys, red monkeys and Olive baboons plus others. To tourists in Uganda or Rwanda that need chimpanzee tracking to be entrenched in their safari programmes, you are advised to include it in your favorite safari plans and also book with us a chimp trekking permit in advance.

Things to carry while on Chimpanzee tracking tour in Uganda

These are the essentials to carry with on your next chimpanzee safari in Uganda as listed below;

  • You should not miss out to pack solid comfortable hiking shoes.
  • Walking shoes are desirable which can help you to descend and ascend in the forest paths.
  • Do not forget to carry insect repellent since chimps are wild animals and they live in nature forest where you can be bitten by any forest insect in order for you to be secure, you need to pack this insect repellent.
  • Bring binoculars to have a great view of a variety of birds while tracking chimps.
  • Do not forget your camera with enough batteries to take enough photos for future memories.
  • Pack a waterproof bag where you will keep all your personnel items like the documents, cameras, phones, packed lunch and bottled water.
  • Come with warm clothes because of unpredictable weather conditions especially abrupt rains.
  • You need to move with enough water for hydration, snacks and packed food since trekking requires adequate body energy.

Related Articles on Chimpanzee Trekking

In a related way, read about the gorilla trekking rules and regulations since chimpanzees and gorillas all belong to one primate family. This will give you a clear understanding of how to protect the health humans and primates once the two get closer to each other. Get to know more about gorilla and chimpanzee trekking and how do they relate. Its also vital to know the difference between chimpanzee tracking and chimp habituation experience, where they are done from as well as their prices. Finally your cannot talk about primates in Uganda without pointing out chimp trekking in Kibale National Park plus other chimpanzee trekking destinations in Uganda.