Igongo Cultural Centre

Igongo Cultural Centre and Country Hotel in Mbarara City

Igongo Cultural Centre and Country Hotel is located just 12 km from Mbarara on the road to Kampala. This cultural centre which is among the tourist attractions in western Uganda is worth a tour. It is established on the grounds of a former palace of the Ankole king; this quality museum explores the peoples of southwestern Uganda, particularly the Ankole, through artifacts, a cultural village model and a bundle of information. There is a standard a restaurant serving traditional Ankole dishes, such as smoked Ankole cow milk and boiled meats.

Igongo Cultural Centre and Country HotelIgongo has great bookstore with a stimulating variety of selection of Ugandan reading material, and a newly opened resort-style accommodation. Directly across from the centre, there is Biharwe Eclipse Monument atop Biharwe Hill. It was constructed to memorialize a conquest for Ankole kingdom 500 years ago, following an cast a shadow  that saw the attacking king retreat in fear (and never return), spooked as day plunged into sudden darkness.

When you reach the cultural center, you will be received by elegant background of gardens and attractive structures that house a museum, a crafts shop and a restaurant.

A hotel and campsite is presently being built near the center and is expected to open in few coming months. The hotel will accommodate up to 22 visitors per night and there will electricity, private bathrooms with flushing toilets and hot showers, all-inclusive meals.

Activities carried out at Igongo Cultural Centre

Cultural village –this exhibits the development of accommodation and the cultural setting and arrangement of a typical Nyankore and Kigezi homes. It includes crafts demonstrations, music performances, traditional chores and much more!

Museum Tour – this takes between 30 – 40 minutes and showcases artifacts and information on culture and traditions of the people of southwestern Uganda.

Sculptures and trees of medicinal value– there are a number of historical sculptures of animals and people. Visitors can also see herbal trees and those with cultural significance in the gardens of the centre.

Tourists can also experience daily village life through home visits, a hill walk and visits to community schools.

Visitors can also carry out hill climbing as they adventure the rolling hills in Mbarara and birds.

Visiting the local schools around the area and share with them their education experience here in Uganda.

Donkey rides and visiting the traditional local farmers