Uganda Wildlife Authority

Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) – Government Body for Wildlife Conservation and Protection

Uganda Wildlife Authority Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) is a government body under the Ministry of Tourism that regulate and manages Wildlife conservation in Uganda. The body also monitors, directs and guides all tour and safaris in Uganda. UWA also manages all the national parks, wildlife reserves, wild life sanctuaries and to provide guidance to the above world life areas. Uganda world life authority is governed by Aboard of Trustee appointed by minister responsible for wild life.

Uganda Wildlife Authority was established by the Uganda Wildlife Act 2000. It started working in August 1996 after the unification of the then Game Department with the Uganda National Parks and the foremost goal of its establishment was to conserve, economically develop and sustainably manage the wildlife and thriving areas of Uganda in partnership with neighboring communities and stake holders for the benefit of the people of Uganda and the global community.

Under its jurisdiction Uganda world life authority manages 10 national parks,12 wildlife reserves, UWA has the major role of managing the country’s tourism industry and attracting investors to the sector .it is also in control of 5 community wild life management areas and 13 wild life sanctuaries.

The major challenges that the body faces while in managing and conservation of wildlife and biodiversity in Uganda are numerous, and these are; poaching, competition in the regional tourism market, human wildlife conflict and wildlife crimes.

The vision of UWA is to be the foremost, self-nourishing wildlife conservation organization that transmutes Uganda into one of the best ecotourism destinations in Africa.

The mission of UWA is to conserve and continuously manage the wildlife and the sheltered areas of Uganda in corporation with adjoining populations and other participants, for the benefit of Ugandans and international community with the motto of “We Conserve for Generations” has been implemented.

UWA conservation tariff fees in normally quoted in USD and Uganda shillings. The tariff includes the rules and regulation while in the national parks or any other preserved areas for wildlife, Gorilla trekking rules, park distances from Kampala, the park entrance fees and costs for all activities carried in these different national parks, accommodation in these national parks, commercial filming and photography, fines and penalties,research fees and many more others.

Obligations of Uganda Wildlife Authority 

Management and conservation of wild life safaris in Uganda both inside and outside the wildlife protected areas such as in National Parks, Wildlife Reserves and Wildlife Sanctuaries.

Promoting public participation in wildlife management using mechanism such as wildlife use rights, as a means of eradicating poverty, through community conservation programs, and promoting wildlife as a form of land use.

Ensuring the protection of rare, endangered and endemic species of wild plants and animals, through provision of appropriate wildlife policies, management plans and promotion of wildlife management best practices.

Ensuring timely and appropriate response to reported problem animals, in collaboration with the concerned communities and respective local authorities.

Enhancing economic benefits from wildlife management through promotion of tourism. This is done though implementing relevant international itineraries agreements, convention and making sure that Uganda takes party.

Implementing relevant international treaties, conventions, agreements or other arrangements to which Uganda is a party.