Miriadua Falls

Miridua Falls in Maracha District, West Nile

Miriadua FallsMiriadua Falls on River Oluffe is 20km on Arua-Koboko road and it is a 20-minutes journey out of Arua Town. Miriadua falls, the hidden treasure of Maracha District in West Nile continued to receive local tourists from West Nile and beyond. This potential tourist site lies in Lici village in Ambidro Parish, Kijomoro Sub county. While at the falls, you have a feel of the natural decor.

Maracha district plans upgrade Miriadua Falls, categorized under tourist attractions in northern Uganda working hand in hand with the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities. The falls that were formerly called Kuru-chai were named by the Chief Adua of Maracha in 1956 by a declaration after a village assembly at Ambidro parish.

Chief Adua was a county chief of Maracha during the colonial times. When he visited the place, he asked the local people the name of the falls and they replied “Iyi Kuru”. Iyi Kuru locally means the “rough flowing waters”. And because in the whole of Lugbara area, the falls were called iyi kuru, Adua decided to title them after himself.  And that is how name came up by which the place is known all over except around the locality where people still call it Iyi kuru.

Other Waterfalls in Uganda Besides Miriadua

Miriadua cascades are among the many water falls in Uganda that attract a sizable number of tourists. Uganda, The Pearl of Africa is endowed with water ranging from swampy wetlands to glassy lakes plus powerful rivers and there is plenty of incredible geography. Uganda’s spectacular waterfalls are so often highlights of adventures across the country. Apart from Miriadua, other waterfalls in Uganda include:-

  • Sipi Falls,
  • Ssezibwa Falls,
  • Kissizi Falls,
  • Itanda Falls,
  • Murchison Falls,
  • Mpanga Falls
  • Ripon Falls,
  • Bujagali Falls,
  • Owen Falls,
  • Kalagala Falls
  • Sisiyi Falls
  • Uhuru Falls
  • Mahoma Falls
  • Nyamiska Falls
  • Nkusi Falls