Bikingi Gorilla Family


Bikingi Gorilla Family in Rushaga Sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Bikingi Gorilla Family Bikingi Gorilla Family is located in Rushaga sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The process of habituating Bikingi group started in the early months of 2012. This was done a as a follow-up practice of dispersing individuals of the disintegrated Mishaya gorilla family.

Bikyingi group, whose name also spelt as Bikyingi has 15 members including 1 silverback, 5 adult females, 2 semi-adults, 2 juveniles and 5 infants. Bikyingi Gorilla Family is one of the two gorilla families in Bwindi available for Gorilla Habituation Experience. Bushaho is another gorilla family available for the habituation experience. During this gorilla adventure experience, 4 visitors are allowed per group and spend 4 hours as well with the gorillas. The habituation process is a sensitive adventure monitored by Researchers, Veterinary Gorilla Doctors, professional rangers as well as Trackers. A gorilla habituation experience costs USD 1500 at the Uganda Wildlife Authority. The ordinary permit for gorilla trekking is at USD 600 up to July 2020. Gorilla habituation experience is a wildlife process where mountain gorillas are trained to get used to human presence. This process may take between two to three years for the group to be qualified for habituation experience.

Bikyingi family, spelt at times as Bikingi Gorilla group was first discovered at a place called Bikyingi near Rushaga. From then, was named according the area name where it was first sighted. And the only silverback that heads the family was also given the same name of the group. Bikingi, the leader is said to be much loving to the infants in the group as he is seen giving them enough time.

Other Gorilla Families in Rushaga Sector Bwindi 

  • Nshongi Gorilla Family
  • Busingye Gorilla Group
  • Kahungye Gorilla Family
  • Bweza Gorilla Group
  • Mishaya family
  • Rwigi Gorilla Family

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