Oruzogo Gorilla Group

Oruzogo Gorilla Group

Oruzogo Gorilla Group found in Ruhija sector of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. Other families in Ruhija section include Bitukura and Kyaguliro that are dedicated mainly for research purposes. Oruzogo group can also be trekked from Buhoma area as well since it’s not very far. This means that you may book any Buhoma lodge for staying in and then transfer early enough of the day of trekking. This is an option if there are permits in Ruhija side but when accommodations are fully booked. But the best option would be to sleep around Ruhija if you are to visit gorillas of the sector the next day. Driving from Buhoma to Ruhija, it takes between 1 to 2 hours. Ruhija is one of the 4 gorilla trekking sectors of Bwindi forest which also include Buhoma sector in the north plus Rushaga and Nkuringo sectors in the south of the impenetrable forest.

In 2011, Oruzogo group was opened up for trekking with Tibirikwata, the dominant Silverback as the family head. The group consists of 23 members. Since its start, the family seen growth in numbers, an attribute to the new birth. The adult female Ntamurungi produced a baby in June 2011 and Musi gave birth to a young one in October 2011. The good news occurred in 2012 when Kakoba gave birth to twins in March of that year. Other group members are Busungu (short-tempered), Kaganga (giant one) plus Bwoba (the coward). Others are Kashundwe, Nyakiina, Otaka, Karimi (tongue), Kiromba, Katooto (the small one) Kanywani (meaning friendly), Kakobe who has a monkey-like looks and Buchura plus the last twins.

Other Gorilla Families in Uganda

Uganda at present has over 20 gorilla trekking families spread across the four gorilla sectors of Bwindi forest plus the Nyakagezi group, the only gorilla family in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.